Dogeparty Runner | The Game Tokens* Pt. 1

Dogeparty Runner XDPR
6 min readOct 22, 2022


*Disclaimer: XDPR game tokens were not created to have art. They were purely tradeable in-game assets. We built the game’s user interface (UI) around a simple WordPress site, email correspondence, and the web-based Dogeparty wallet that lacked native image-display functions.

The decision to add art to these tokens is covered in this article; however, if this choice offends you, please feel free to skip reading any further.

In this article, we will touch on the following topics:

  • The original game tokens in circulation
  • The uncirculated game tokens
  • Fungible game assets VS. Non-fungible tokens
  • New art on old tokens

XDPR Circulated Game Tokens

Dogeparty Runner’s game experience was short-lived. Like, really short!

Our first, and only game, was, by all means, a success. The gameplay between the four Runners and the GameMaster followed the daily problem/solution schedule. The Dogeparty assets moved smoothly between pseudo-anonymous wallets confirmed by the trustless, decentralized Dogecoin network.

The primary game token, RUNNER, passed back and forth as designed between the Runners and GameMaster. Runners leveraged the HINTS and CLUES tokens per their design — to help when stuck on a challenging problem. We had one Runner complete each day’s challenge, five in total, and take home the coveted PRIZES game token.

XDPR Uncirculated Game Tokens

After the first game, we received valuable praise and critique from the four participating individuals. Their suggestions helped shape some changes intended for the second run. A few commented on having more game tokens to fill the holes in the flow. Good news for us because we had created three assets to expand the gameplay but hadn’t yet integrated them into the weekly challenges.

Game #1 promised a Gridseed ASIC miner to the winner. With only four Runners and only one winner from the first game, that individual suggested doing a raffle at the end of each month for the actual product prize. Four rounds per month would increase the prize pool and build excitement. We planned it as an end-of-month raffle; participation required PRIZES tokens.

This requirement gave the prize tokens more street value; it was the player’s choice to turn them in for that month’s raffle, save them for a better week’s prize, or sell them on the decentralized market (DEX).

The new game flow integrated these three previous uncirculated game tokens creatively. The winner of the monthly raffle would receive one of each. The VICTOR token was a keeper for bragging rights! The CLAIMS token was a redeemable asset to assist in the logistics of actual shipping products to pseudo-anonymous winners. The TRADEIN token was a redeemable asset, tradeable for a free RUNNER. Winning a raffle gave a free pass to enter the next Dogeparty Runner game on the house.

Dogeparty Runner game tokens are not NFTs

NFT stands for non-fungible token. According to Wordnik, fungibility is

“the property of a good or a commodity whereby individual units are capable of mutual substitution.”

Our game tokens were designed to be exchanged or interchanged. One RUNNER isn’t more or less scarce than the other.

We will make this short and sweet ;)

RUNNER, CLUES, HINTS, PRIZES, VICTOR, CLAIMS, and TRADEIN are exchangeable digital novelty game tokens, not NFTs.

Dogeparty Runner game tokens get a new set of clothes!

First, a thank you to all I reached out to for conversation about adding art or not. I appreciate all your thoughts and advice, and I couldn’t get to the outcome without all of you. Thank you!

As of October, 21st 2022, all seven XDPR game tokens have new art attached to their digital identity.

The inspiration for the new art came from the Flaticon icons used on the vintage game website Dogeparty Runner. Also, with seven tokens in the collection, we went with a ROY G BIV color format. Each unique token has a unique color. And, when displayed together, complete the spectrum.

New art versus no art?

That was the dilemma.

Some game tokens are art pieces in their own right; look no further than EverdreamSoft’s Spells of Genesis. Our game tokens were to provide trustless transactions between the game and the players. And give players a means to offload unwanted assets without a third-party intermediary.

However, 2022 is a different time. NFTs are everywhere, and everybody is building something related to Web3. With new metaverses, personal digital art galleries, and mobile token apps popping up daily, the trend points to collectors wanting to show off their stuff; art, music, games, or gear.

Ultimately, ignoring this trend didn’t make a lot of sense. Adding new art to our old game assets seemed a small sacrifice to allow our collectors the opportunity to share our story with their friends and neighbors.


Supply | 100

RUNNER game token art timeline | original web interface icon | new animated art | new static art


Supply | 640

CLUES game token art timeline | original web interface icon | new animated art | new static art


Supply | 640

HINTS game token art timeline | original web interface icon | new animated art | new static art


Supply | 320

PRIZES game token art timeline | original web interface icon | new animated art | new static art


Supply | 20

VICTOR game token art timeline | original web interface icon | new animated art | new static art


Supply | 30

CLAIMS game token art timeline | original web interface icon (beta) | new animated art | new static art


Supply | 30

CLAIMS game token art timeline | original web interface icon (beta) | new animated art | new static art

